Here at Wetaskiwin Animal Clinic, our mission is to provide the best quality for all our client's pets. We strive to provide compassionate veterinary treatment for sick animals as well as prevention of sickness and disease through routine health treatments, examinations and vaccinations. Our main emphasis is on a "wholistic" nutritional preventative health management approach, helping our clients have their best friends live the longest happiest life they can.
Hippocrates said "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine by thy food." As we truly see the results of this daily, we wanted to bring this online ordering service to you, so you can care for your pet and have access to the products we recommend. We always love to see your faces, and hear about your pets but we know, sometimes online ordering is a great option and we want to share this option with you to better serve you and your pets.
For more information about our team, our services and how we can help your pet. Please visit our website:
We can alway be reached at 780-352-7006
Our clinic is located at:
4735-39 Ave
Wetaskiwin, AB, T9A 2J4